This course will examine the illustrious history of composers in the Ottoman Empire. By playing and singing their pieces, we will explore the way they understood the makamlar, bringing this understanding into a contemporary context. The teaching style will be rooted in the meşk method: mimicking the instructor, repeating musical phrases and lyrics simultaneously.
We will focus on the works of Abdülkadir Meragi, Buhurizade, Mustafa Itri Efendi, Sadettin Kaynak, Ali Ufki, Dilhayat Kalfa, Dede Efendi, Gazi Giray Han, Hafiz Post, Hamparsum Limoncian, İsak Fresco, Lavtacı Andon, Selim III, Tatyos Efendi, Zekai Dede, and Zaharya Mir Cemil. These compositions span different eras of Ottoman musical history.
This course is for any instrument. Students should be somewhat comfortable on their instruments, but not necessarily familiar with Ottoman music or makam. We will look at both traditional and folkloric pieces to see how the makamlar are used, and develop our understanding of them by working with simple phrases, emphasizing the use of microtones. We will attempt to put enough pieces together to create a medley called a fasıl. The following makamlar will be taught, each with a distinct aim:
Sabâ: to use two microtonal Ussak pitches in one makam
Karcığar: to use Ussak and Hicaz in one makam
Segah: will be explored through pieces by Mustafa Itri Efendi and Sadettin Kaynak
Hüzzam: to use Segâh and Hicaz in one makam
Dügâh: to use Sabâ and Hicaz in one makam
This course includes
- 16 Hours of Instruction
- Lifetime Access to Video Recordings
- Certificate of Completion
Student requirements
- Instrumental technique: basic
- Western theory: basic
- Modal music theory: basic
- Sight reading: basic
- Transposition: any level
- Learning by ear: basic
- Composition: any level
- Improvisation: any level