This course is designed to assist students in understanding the makam system primarily through phrase material rather than through theoretical constructs such as scales and tetrachords/pentachords. Through this experiential approach, the nuance, sound and atmosphere of each makam will gradually become familiar, allowing them to integrate into our own musical understanding and experience. The compositions listed have been chosen due to their clarity and variety of phrasing. We will analyze them in detail, especially highlighting the phrase material which is characteristic of a makam. A medium level command of one’s instrument as well as a similar level of sight-reading ability is required to participate in this course.
Courses 1,2, and 3 do not necessarily have to be followed in order. They work at the same level, the only difference being that the makams discussed are different. Therefore a student could begin with either 1, 2 or 3 and continue with the other two as is most convenient. The same will be true for courses 4, 5 and 6, although, in this case, having knowledge of the material covered in the first three will be a prerequisite.
1) Hicaz Seyir - Şefik Gürmeriç
2) Hicaz Seyir - Ross Daly
3) Hicaz Köçekçe - Dede Efendi
4) Hicaz Şarkı - Aşkınla ben ey nâzenın - Dede Efendi
5) Rum’da Acem’de aşık olduğum - Kazasker İzzet Efendi
6) Hicaz Peşrev - Neyzen Aziz Dede
7) Hicaz Evfer - Mevlevi traditional
1) Hümayûn Seyir - Şefik Gürmeriç
2) Hicaz-Hümayûn Peşrev - Veli Dede
3) Hicaz Hümayûn Saz Semâi - Veli Dede
4) Hicaz Hümayûn Saz Semâi - Neyzen Yusuf Paşa
5) Hicaz Hümayûn Saz Semâi - Ross Daly
6) Hicaz Hümayûn Ağır Semâi - Aşıklarının haline - Haci Faik Bey
1) Uzzâl Seyir - Şefik Gürmeriç
2) Uzzâl Peşrev - Neyzen Raşid
3) Uzzâl Şarkı - İndim yarin bahçesine - Dede Efendi
4) Uzzâl Şarkı - Şu karşıki dağda - Dede Efendi
5) Dakryzo me Parapono - Cretan traditional
1) Şehnâz Seyir - Şefik Gürmeriç
2) Şehnaz Yürük Semâi - Sevdi bu gönül seni - Dede Efendi
3) Şehnaz Saz Semâi - Kemençeci Nikolaki
4) Şehnâz Şarkı - Bahar oldu a canım - Kemençeci Nikolaki
5) Şehnaz Şarkı - Ey verdi rana şuh-i melekveş - Dede Efendi
6) Şehnaz Peşrev - Kemani Ali Ağa
1) Nikriz Peşrev - Ali Ûfki Bey
2) Nikriz Nakış Ağır Semâi - Abdûlkadir Meragi
3) Nikriz Peşrev - Kemal Batanay
4) Nikriz İlahi - Hak bir gönül verdi bana - Ahmet Hatipoğlu
5) Nikriz İlahi - Can ü gönülden seversen - Cüneyt Kosal
1) Neveser Seyir - Şefik Gürmeriç
2) Neveser Peşrev - Neyzen Yusuf Paşa
3) Neveser Saz Semâi - Neyzen Yusuf Paşa
4) Neveser Peşrev - Neyzen Salih Dede
5) Neveser Saz Semâi - Dimitri Kantemir
This course includes
- 15 Hours of Instruction
- Lifetime Access to Video Recordings
- Certificate of Completion
Student requirements
- Instrumental technique: intermediate
- Western theory: any level
- Modal music theory: basic
- Sight reading: intermediate
- Transposition: any level
- Learning by ear: intermediate
- Composition: any level
- Improvisation: any level